Shouting into the Storm Rantings, ramblings, observations and musings from the insipid to the sublime

Monday, October 21, 2002 :::
The joy of being not sick...but not entirely healthy, either.

And on the 5th day, the fever broke. Finally. Please, no applause necessary.

You know your life has reduced to a more simple perspective when eating a small bowl of week, watered down mac n cheese is a Big Deal. That was Saturday. It also happened to be the day I discovered my truck wouldn't start. I spent the afternoon sitting in the cab, listening to the latest Carbon Leaf album and reading, while waiting for the tow truck. It was a fantastic way to spend a few hours. No, I'm serious, stop laughing.

Which brings us here to work on Monday. While I am no longer sick, and am a far cry from being healthy and productive. Two people at work have described me as "Pasty", "Pale " and "Shakey". Sounds about right. Everything is moving in sloooow motion. I am having a terribly difficult time concentrating. If I finally do get a coherent idea, by the time I'm done explaining it, I need a nap.

So, thanks for all of those who sent notes or called. Huge thanks to my Florence Nightengale for doting over while I was on the brinking of being Mostly Dead.

::: posted by Chris at 3:03 PM

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Rantings, ramblings, observations and musings from the insipid to the sublime

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